Tuesday, July 15, 2008

This is the first of many and regular posts that will be added to this blog. For years i have been following the news and trends that evidence themselves in the world in which we live. I have a bias and it slants in the comments i make, but everyone is entitled to their opinion. My bias would tend towards my God, my Family, my Country, and my rights. You can see more of what i believe in the about me part.

This blog is a project that has been under consideration for a long time.

The family and i just got back from vacation, it was only a week, but it was relaxing and the fireworks were good as usual. So i guess it is time to get to work.

What i hope to accomplish is to pick out a few of the most meaningful pieces fo news that i come across during that day. They will run the gammut from the economy (which is in the toliet) or it may be about the Goverment incroaching on our freedoms, about the Christian heritage of this Country or might bounce to a project i'm working on.

I hope you enjoy it.


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